Knowing how to maximize the life of carpet and interior textiles will not only save you money, but it will help you keep them looking clean, fresh, and inviting. Our passion is professional cleaning for your carpets, fine rugs, upholstered furniture, blinds, leather, and other fine surfaces, but just as importantly, we want to make sure you have useful, accurate care information.
If your carpets or rugs have stain resist warranties, then you must have them regularly cleaned and quickly attend to spots to maintain the validity of your warranties. Here are some basic cleaning and care tips.
When it comes to spills and spots on carpets, rugs, and upholstery, you must react immediately. Red wine, colored beverages, urine, blood, and the like may start off as a spill or spot, but will quickly become a permanent stain if not treated right away.
For carpets and rugs, use tap water to remove spots if the carpet or rug is new or has sufficient protector on it. If water is ineffective, use a spot cleaner recommended by the carpet or rug manufacturer. If that information is not available, you can check with us about what spot cleaner to use. Many store bought spot cleaners leave soap residue and can cause yellowing.
Use a white, absorbent cloth or paper towels to blot the spot and remove excess moisture. Never pour spot cleaner directly on carpet or rug, instead apply it to your cloth or towel and blot to wick or transfer the spill from the carpet to the cloth or towel. You may need to repeat this process over and over. Be patient.
For upholstery, follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning spills. There should be cleaning codes (W, S, WS, X) on the tag. For W and S, you can use distilled water to clean, for WS recommended detergents can be used, and for X, only professional cleaning is recommended.